You will find all formulas on the left side of the screen. Simply checkmark the box next to the formula to select it. A brief description of the formula will appear on the right side of the screen. If you need more information about the formula, click the READ MORE button.
You can select any number or any combination of formulas.
If you don’t know what formulas to use, either:
- refer to our QUICK START GUIDE; OR
- checkmark Average Reading Level Consensus Calc (the first formula) and it will select 8 popular readability formulas for you; OR
- click on let us help you choose [ ? ].
When you click on “let us help you choose” a popup window will appear.
Either choose your type of text or type of reader. When you make a selection, click DONE, and the app will automatically choose the best formulas for you. You will see the formulas updated on the left side of the screen.
QUICK TIP: all formulas are validated to score any type of text with the exception of SPACHE and FORCAST. SPACHE will score texts for easy readers (below 5th grade), while FORCAST will score harder texts above 7th grade.
You can also visit our website to dive deeper into readability formulas.